Year 5 learn new skills and gain confidence for cycling on the road

February 14, 2023 12:55pm

Children from Year 5 finished last term feeling empowered with the skills and confidence they need to cycle on roads within the city thanks to the government’s Bikeability scheme.

More than 80 enthusiastic cyclists from Meon Junior School enjoyed cycling inside and outside the school to develop an important life skill they will never forget.

From basic skills to advanced journeys, the Bikeability initiative encourages children and young people not only to cycle more regularly, but do it in a safe way.

Anna Finch-Judd, the teacher leading on Bikeability at the school, says this is all about boosting the confidence of the children when cycling their bike.

She said: “It is really lovely to see the children develop such an important life skill. Portsmouth is such a busy city and by knowing the children can travel around safely is great. It has been a pleasure to watch the children grow in confidence and talk so enthusiastically about their experiences.”

For those children who tried cycling on the road under the watchful eye of an instructor, the did this along Moorings Way, right beside Moorings Way Infant School, as the roads are a little quieter in this area.

For more information about the Bikeability scheme, go to: Bikeability | Cycle training for everyone delivering better and safer training