Winners of the Portsmouth Schools Literature Quiz February 2023

February 28, 2023 09:42am

Winners of the Portsmouth Schools Literature Quiz February 2023

Twelve of our year 6 children went to the Mountbatten Centre to take part in a Portsmouth Schools literacy quiz hosted by the Portsmouth Library Service.

There were four authors at the quiz, Ellie Fountain, Stewart Foster, Fleur Hitchcock and Steve Cole.

Children were split into three teams of four children and each team sat at a separate table in a big room filled with the lots of children from other schools.

Our children made a good start and were joint winners of the first round but lost on the tie break question.

There were quite a few rounds, general knowledge, picture rounds and rounds on the books and their authors that we had studied in advance.

During the break, children could buy books and get them signed by the authors. At the end of the quiz the winners were announced. 3rd place, 2nd place and then they announced first place-Team A-Meon Junior School!!

What a surprise; our Team were ecstatic and they were presented with a trophy and book vouchers to get books from the Hayling Bookshop stall.

The books that our team read in advance were

1.Melt by Ellie Fountain

2. Can You Fell the Noise? by Stewart Foster

3. The Boy who Flew by Fleur Hitchcock and

4.Swarm Rising by Steve Cole and Tim Peake.

Well done and fantastic news from our Year 6 Team!